Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Why my republican values have led me to vote democrat.

       While it might seem contradictory in our very partisan politics to say that my

republican values have led me to vote democrat, it is because the republican party

has abandoned those values in the constant search for votes.

      This is to say that by adopting fundamentalist ideology, embracing corporatism,

and engaging in obstructionism, the republican party has transformed itself into

something toxic to the United States. This is not to say that the democrats are free of

flaws, but those flaws are not ones that are inherently at odds with my values.

    To start, lets look at the fundamentalist values. By this, I mean a form of

"Christianity" that:  Advocates bigotry, up to and including the death of those they

dislike. For proof, check out the whole issue with chick fil'a and the group they

funded, a group that went to Uganda and pressured them to pass a law making

homosexuality a capital offence, you know, the kind you get killed for. They also are

misogynist, having the temerity to spit hairs on the issue of rape. And of course

theirs is a form of Christianity that simultaneously rails against the spread of islamic

law, while trying to install their "Christian" laws.

      This alone is enough to damn them in my eyes, since these positions go against

simple decency. Advocating death for those different than yourself is not only

reprehensible by most people's sense of right and wrong, but goes against the

constitution, namely the 14th amendment. ( you know, the one specifically

prohibiting treating others differently because they are different.) The issue of rape

is one that is sensitive, and destructive, and to imply that some cases of rape are "not

really rape," or that others are "legitimate rape," indicates a deep seated hatred of

women, a complete lack of reason, ignorance about what rape is, cynical disregard

for facts when they become politically inconvienient, or some horrible combination

of all of the above. At the minimum, such views make a person incompetent to hold

any office other than town turd wrangler, but when faced with the fact that the

republicans are as shameless about expressing their views on rape, it makes them

the sort of people that are unfit to hold any office where they might make any

decision that affects others. Then we get to the hypocrisy of condemning the spread

of Sharia law, while trying to install the "Christian-" flavoured version of sharia law

in our country.  This wouldn't be so bad if, like in islamic countries where sharia law

 is practiced, that was the only religion practiced, or if Christianity did not have so

many conflicting sub religions. But we are a pluralistic society, and Christianity can't

even get along with itself. And we also have this pesky little part of the constitution

called the establishment clause that makes such laws illegal.

    Now, for those sympathetic to their religion, there is their embracing corporatism.

  To be clear, this is not the same as capitalism, but is nothing more than a welfare

state for corporations.  This might not be so bad if it was the democratic party, who

already has a reputation for " enlarging welfare," but it is the party that is constantly

pushing to erode workers rights, insists upon portraying unions as parasites, defends

extortionate wages for executives that cripple corporations, and fails to see value in

efficiency wages, a concept that any college freshman can see value in despite their

beer soaked vision.

If your grasp of economics is such that their economic policies do not scare you, then

maybe the fact that they are childish and as useless as tits on a boar might convince

you. The only times that the federal government has had to "shut down" was due to

republicans in congress keeping a budget from being voted on for so long that time

ran out to approve and enact a new budget. Also, the Clinton administration was

marred by the  fact that the republicans spent the majority of it ( and a large sum of

money) trying to remove Clinton from office. President Obama wasn't even in office

before the republicans started after him, with vaguely racist claims regarding his

birth certificate, and calls to have him impeached starting shortly after he was

elected.  the fact that  the republican party has spent 12of the last 20 years keeping

things from moving forward in order to make the opposition "look bad," including

holding the nation " hostage" with their budget shenanigans means that they have

abandoned a republican value that, by abandoning it, makes them too far gone for

redemption in my eyes. That value is love of country, they abandoned it when they

 put their partisan bullshit ahead of the common good.

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